
I am a passionate software engineer with experience in leading people as well as technical agendas. My main driver is delivering value and helping my customers reach their collective goals.

I pride myself to be a structured and diligent person who delivers high quality software and takes on any challenge coming my way.

In my capacity as a leader I have launched high profile projects and managed my employees, ensuring they delivered what was asked of them, while engaging with all interested parties, collaborating on producing the best possible product.

In my professional life, I’ve had many different roles and responsiblilties. I have on this page listed some of the customers and companies I have worked for, and describede my contributions.

Independently Developed App

Kodeaben - Kontrol

I’m currently working on an app for watchOS called Kontrol, which enables the user to control its SONOS speakers using an Apple Watch.

The app is currently being prepared for beta tests, and is expected to be available in the Apple AppStore this summer!

You can see pictures and a short description of the prototype here

Freelance Frontend Specialist

OK a.m.b.a

Im currently a part of an OK division called emobility, who develops chargers for electric cars.

I’m developing fullstack features in Angular, C#/dotnet & SQL, while spearheading the teams frontend development.One of my main focuses is to educate his colleagues in good practices within the frontend technologies, such as Angular, JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML & RxJS.

I’m doing so by giving talks, reviewing code and refactoring, to ie. improve reusability, stability & readability.

I have also launched an initiative to provide a platform for frontend developers within OK to reach out for help or share insights.

- Developing fullstack features
- Educating developers in frontend practices
- Setting frontend code standards
- Creating a platform for frontend knowledge sharing in OK development

Software Consultant


I have been a part of BankDatas team Kirby, a team who develops BankDatas designsystem. My function was to serve as a Angular application specialist, helping the team build robust solutions.

One of my contributions was to restructure their Angular library from having a single entry, to multiple. This restructuring improved the maintainability and scalability of the codebase, making it easier for the team to add new features and functionality to the application, while providing smaller bundles for the consumers.

I have also been building a configuration based interface for the designsystems graph modules. This enabled the users of the designsystem to build more flexible graphs and add in custom designs on top of the designsystems own standard configurations.

During my time at BankData, I led parts of the agile agenda for the team including the facilitation of tech refinement and retrospective meetings.

- Restructuring the designsystem library to improve bundlesizes and scalability.
- Creating a config based interface for graphs
- Supporting BankData teams in using the designsystem.
- Setting up and facilitating agile ceremonies.

Software Consultant

Intelligent Systems

I have been working for Intelligent Systems (IS), helping one of their teams deliver a warehouse management system for a customer.
My primary responsibility was to lead the development of the frontend of the platform, ensuring code quality and architecture was of the highest quality.

In addition to my frontend responsibilities, I developed full stack features, using Java, SQL, Spring Boot, and Hibernate technologies.

I have also been training some of IS´ employees in frontend technologies such as Angular, JavaScript, Typescript, and RxJS. Besides the technical responsibilities, I have, in my capacity as Scrum Master, been helping the team adapt and implement agile principles in their work.

- Setting up a strong frontend structure
- Developing full stack features
- Educating team members in Angular
- Setting up an agile structure in the team

Freelance Frontend Specialist


I have been working as a freelance consultant in LEGO Golbal infrastructure (LEGO GI). I helped develop frontends which enables LEGO employees who has little network knowledge, to manage network devices on LEGOs factories and offices.

Here my main focuses was on high code quality, well defined and executed test strategies and error handling. As a part of this I led the refactoring of a frontend monorepo to reduce build time, have a lower coupling, and to streamline build and test processes.

I introduced Cypress, a tool for end-to-end tests, to help the team ensure a higher product quality and to support the teams wish of being able to use continuous deployment. I also introduced Sentry, which is an error logging tool. This means that LEGO GI are able to monitor errors thrown in the clients browser.

- Web interface for novice network users to configure firewalls
- Rewriting the project structure for a React monorepo
- Setting up an onprem hosted Sentry instance and writing integrations

Software Engineer / Technical Leader

Danske Bank

Anti Money Laundering tribe as Chapter Lead - Frontend

I have led the technical strategy for frontend applications across 10 squads in his tribe, ensuring the frontend applications was of the highest quality while actively participating in the development in one of the squads.

My main focus areas included performance, maintainability, scalability and reusability.

As a part of being Chapter Lead, I managed 8 frontend specialists, building their personal development path and securing that they were performing to the standards set by the organization.

- Establishing the frontend chapter
- Setting the standards for frontend development
- Designing a plan for improving code, test & performance quality for 15 individual frontends
- Building employees career paths

AML in C&I as Team Manager/ Lead Developer

Danske Bank

I was the manager for a team of 8 developers who were tasked with building solutions to support Danske Banks fight against financial crime in the C&I sector.

I lead the team through the start of an integrations project with an external vendor. Here I was tasked with getting the collaboration up and running with the vendor, agreeing on deadlines for delivering new versions of software, starting and leading a test team, defining the requirements for automated tests and acting as a lead developer.

I was also the solution owner of this project, making me responsible for the software deployments and approving releases from both his own team and the vendor.

- Lead a new team to launch a new integrations project with a 3rd party vendor
- Setting the standards for development, QA and automated tests
- Designing and running the release approval process.
- Gathering the team around a common goal

AML in C&I as Senior Software Engineer

Danske Bank

As the lead frontend developer I set the standards for the frontend applications, building a questionnaire and a backoffice tool used to gather and process information about Danske Banks C&I customers, ultimately leading to companies with suspicious behavior being reported to the authorities.

- Leading the design on a new frontend for a backoffice tool
- Improving customer satisfaction by enhancing the user experience on the customer facing website

Software Engineer

Danske Bank

Software engineer in Danske Bank IT Welcoming team.

I was a part of the launch of Danske Banks new Anti Money Laundering (AML) platform. Here I helped build Danske Banks new questionnaire solution for business costumers, which is used to gather information on customers in order to detect suspicious activity.

- Build a reactive questionnaire
- Taught novice frontend developers Angular

Software Consultant

IT Minds

EG One as It consultant

I was a part of the team building the EG One platform, which supports small construction businesses logging time, ordering goods and billing customers. On this project I build micro frontends and set up a system to distribute them to several platforms. I also trained some of the EGs employees in Angular and frontend development.

- Build micro frontends
- Created a setup to used micro frontends on multiple platforms
- Taught other developers Angular and lead the frontend development